Articles | Volume 8, issue 1
11 Feb 2016
 | 11 Feb 2016

Gridded global surface ozone metrics for atmospheric chemistry model evaluation

E. D. Sofen, D. Bowdalo, M. J. Evans, F. Apadula, P. Bonasoni, M. Cupeiro, R. Ellul, I. E. Galbally, R. Girgzdiene, S. Luppo, M. Mimouni, A. C. Nahas, M. Saliba, and K. Tørseth


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Short summary
We have brought together all publicly available surface ozone observations from online databases from 1971–2015, with 2200 sites representing regional background conditions appropriate for the evaluation of chemical transport and chemistry-climate models for projects such as the Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative. Gridded data sets of ozone metrics (mean, percentiles, MDA8, SOMO35, etc.) are available from the British Atmospheric Data Centre.
Final-revised paper