Articles | Volume 8, issue 1
Review article
07 Jun 2016
Review article |  | 07 Jun 2016

Ice crystal c-axis orientation and mean grain size measurements from the Dome Summit South ice core, Law Dome, East Antarctica

Adam Treverrow, Li Jun, and Tim H. Jacka


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Short summary
We present ice crystallographic c-axis orientation and grain size data from the Dome Summit South (DSS) ice core drilled 4.7 km SSW of the summit of Law Dome, East Antarctica. These data are from 185 individual thin sections obtained between a depth of 117 m below the surface and the bottom of the DSS core at a depth of 1196 m. Observations of ice microstructures from polar ice cores play a vital role in the development and validation of ice flow relations for numerical ice sheet models.
Final-revised paper