Articles | Volume 8, issue 1
29 Mar 2016
 | 29 Mar 2016

The MEDESS-GIB database: tracking the Atlantic water inflow

Marcos García Sotillo, Emilio Garcia-Ladona, Alejandro Orfila, Pablo Rodríguez-Rubio, José Cristobal Maraver, Daniel Conti, Elena Padorno, José Antonio Jiménez, Este Capó, Fernando Pérez, Juan Manuel Sayol, Francisco Javier de los Santos, Arancha Amo, Ana Rietz, Charles Troupin, Joaquín Tintore, and Enrique Álvarez-Fanjul


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Short summary
An intensive drifter deployment was carried out in the Strait of Gibraltar: 35 satellite tracked drifters were released, coordinating to this aim 4 boats, covering an area of about 680 NM2 in 6 hours. This MEDESS-GIB Experiment is the most important exercise in the Mediterranean in terms of number of drifters released. The MEDESS-GIB dataset provides a complete Lagrangian view of the surface inflow of Atlantic waters through the Strait of Gibraltar and its later evolution along the Alboran Sea.
Final-revised paper