Articles | Volume 16, issue 2
Data description paper
16 Feb 2024
Data description paper |  | 16 Feb 2024

Exploring multi-decadal time series of temperature extremes in Australian coastal waters

Michael Hemming, Moninya Roughan, and Amandine Schaeffer

Data sets

Australian Multi-decadal Ocean Time Series EXTreme (AMDOT-EXT) Data Products (Version 1.0) Michael Hemming et al.

Short summary
We present new datasets that are useful for exploring extreme ocean temperature events in Australian coastal waters. These datasets span multiple decades, starting from the 1940s and 1950s, and include observations from the surface to the bottom at four coastal sites. The datasets provide valuable insights into the intensity, frequency and timing of extreme warm and cold temperature events and include event characteristics such as duration, onset and decline rates and their categorisation.
Final-revised paper