Articles | Volume 16, issue 8
Data description paper
30 Aug 2024
Data description paper |  | 30 Aug 2024

Monsoon Asia Rice Calendar (MARC): a gridded rice calendar in monsoon Asia based on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images

Xin Zhao, Kazuya Nishina, Haruka Izumisawa, Yuji Masutomi, Seima Osako, and Shuhei Yamamoto

Data sets

Monsoon Asia Rice Calendar (MARC): a gridded rice calendar in monsoon Asia based on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images Xin Zhao and Kazuya Nishina

Short summary
Mapping a rice calendar in a spatially explicit manner with a consistent framework remains challenging at a global or continental scale. We successfully developed a new gridded rice calendar for monsoon Asia based on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images, which characterize transplanting and harvesting dates and the number of rice croppings in a comprehensive framework. Our rice calendar will be beneficial for rice management, production prediction, and the estimation of greenhouse gas emissions.
Final-revised paper