Articles | Volume 16, issue 7
Data description paper
22 Jul 2024
Data description paper |  | 22 Jul 2024

A newly digitized ice-penetrating radar data set acquired over the Greenland ice sheet in 1971–1979

Nanna B. Karlsson, Dustin M. Schroeder, Louise Sandberg Sørensen, Winnie Chu, Jørgen Dall, Natalia H. Andersen, Reese Dobson, Emma J. Mackie, Simon J. Köhn, Jillian E. Steinmetz, Angelo S. Tarzona, Thomas O. Teisberg, and Niels Skou

Data sets

A Newly Digitised Ice-penetrating Radar Dataset Acquired over the Greenland Ice Sheet in 1971-1979. N. B. Karlsson et al.

A Newly Digitised Ice-penetrating Radar Dataset Acquired over the Greenland Ice Sheet in 1971-1979 N. B. Karlsson et al.

Short summary
In the 1970s, more than 177 000 km of observations were acquired from airborne radar over the Greenland ice sheet. The radar data contain information on not only the thickness of the ice, but also the properties of the ice itself. This information was recorded on film rolls and subsequently stored. In this study, we document the digitization of these film rolls that shed new and unprecedented detailed light on the Greenland ice sheet 50 years ago.
Final-revised paper