Articles | Volume 16, issue 6
Data description paper
28 Jun 2024
Data description paper |  | 28 Jun 2024

Dataset of spatially extensive long-term quality-assured land–atmosphere interactions over the Tibetan Plateau

Yaoming Ma, Zhipeng Xie, Yingying Chen, Shaomin Liu, Tao Che, Ziwei Xu, Lunyu Shang, Xiaobo He, Xianhong Meng, Weiqiang Ma, Baiqing Xu, Huabiao Zhao, Junbo Wang, Guangjian Wu, and Xin Li

Data sets

Spatially Extensive Long-term Quality-assured Land-atmosphere Interactions Dataset over the Tibetan Plateau Yaoming Ma et al.

Short summary
Current models and satellites struggle to accurately represent the land–atmosphere (L–A) interactions over the Tibetan Plateau. We present the most extensive compilation of in situ observations to date, comprising 17 years of data on L–A interactions across 12 sites. This quality-assured benchmark dataset provides independent validation to improve models and remote sensing for the region, and it enables new investigations of fine-scale L–A processes and their mechanistic drivers.

Final-revised paper