Articles | Volume 15, issue 12
Data description paper
08 Dec 2023
Data description paper |  | 08 Dec 2023

High-resolution digital elevation models and orthomosaics generated from historical aerial photographs (since the 1960s) of the Bale Mountains in Ethiopia

Mohammed Ahmed Muhammed, Binyam Tesfaw Hailu, Georg Miehe, Luise Wraase, Thomas Nauss, and Dirk Zeuss

Data sets

High-resolution digital elevation models and orthomosaics generated from historical aerial photographs (since the 1960s) of the Bale Mountains in Ethiopia Mohammed Ahmed Muhammed, Binyam Tesfaw Hailu, Georg Miehe, Thomas Nauss, and Dirk Zeuss

High-resolution digital elevation models and orthomosaics generated from historical aerial photographs (since the 1960s) of the Bale Mountains in Ethiopia Mohammed Ahmed Muhammed, Binyam Tesfaw Hailu, Georg Miehe, Thomas Nauss, and Dirk Zeuss

Short summary
We processed the only available and oldest historical aerial photographs for the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia. We used structure-from-motion multi-view stereo photogrammetry to generate the first high-resolution DEMs and orthomosaics for 1967 and 1984 at larger spatial extents (5730 km2) and at high spatial resolutions (0.84 m and 0.98 m, respectively). Our datasets will help the scientific community address questions related to the Bale Mountains and afro-alpine ecosystems.
Final-revised paper