Articles | Volume 15, issue 12
Data description paper
05 Dec 2023
Data description paper |  | 05 Dec 2023

The historical Greenland Climate Network (GC-Net) curated and augmented level-1 dataset

Baptiste Vandecrux, Jason E. Box, Andreas P. Ahlstrøm, Signe B. Andersen, Nicolas Bayou, William T. Colgan, Nicolas J. Cullen, Robert S. Fausto, Dominik Haas-Artho, Achim Heilig, Derek A. Houtz, Penelope How, Ionut Iosifescu Enescu, Nanna B. Karlsson, Rebecca Kurup Buchholz, Kenneth D. Mankoff, Daniel McGrath, Noah P. Molotch, Bianca Perren, Maiken K. Revheim, Anja Rutishauser, Kevin Sampson, Martin Schneebeli, Sandy Starkweather, Simon Steffen, Jeff Weber, Patrick J. Wright, Henry Jay Zwally, and Konrad Steffen

Data sets

GC-Net Level 1 automated weather station data K. Steffen, B. Vandecrux, D. Houtz, W. Abdalati, N. Bayou, J. Box, L. Colgan, L. Espona Pernas, N. Griessinger, D. Haas-Artho, A. Heilig, A. Hubert, I. Iosifescu Enescu, N. Johnson-Amin, N. B. Karlsson, R. Kurup Buchholz, D. McGrath, N. J. Cullen, R. Naderpour, N. P. Molotch, A. Ø. Pederson, B. Perren, T. Philipps, G. K. Plattner, M. Proksch, M. K. Revheim, M. Særrelse, M. Schneebli, K. Sampson, S. Starkweather, S. Steffen, J. Stroeve, B. Watler, Ø. A. Winton, J. Zwally, and A. Ahlstrøm

Model code and software

GC-Net AWS observed and estimated positions (v1.1) Baptiste Vandecrux and Jason Box

GC-Net evaluation scripts (Version v1) Baptiste Vandecrux

pyNEAD: Python interface to NEAD file format (Version v1) Ken Mankoff and Baptiste Vandecrux

Short summary
The Greenland Climate Network (GC-Net) comprises stations that have been monitoring the weather on the Greenland Ice Sheet for over 30 years. These stations are being replaced by newer ones maintained by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS). The historical data were reprocessed to improve their quality, and key information about the weather stations has been compiled. This augmented dataset is available at (Steffen et al., 2022).
Final-revised paper