Articles | Volume 15, issue 1
Data description paper
03 Jan 2023
Data description paper |  | 03 Jan 2023

Synoptic observations of sediment transport and exchange mechanisms in the turbid Ems Estuary: the EDoM campaign

Dirk S. van Maren, Christian Maushake, Jan-Willem Mol, Daan van Keulen, Jens Jürges, Julia Vroom, Henk Schuttelaars, Theo Gerkema, Kirstin Schulz, Thomas H. Badewien, Michaela Gerriets, Andreas Engels, Andreas Wurpts, Dennis Oberrecht, Andrew J. Manning, Taylor Bailey, Lauren Ross, Volker Mohrholz, Dante M. L. Horemans, Marius Becker, Dirk Post, Charlotte Schmidt, and Petra J. T. Dankers


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Short summary
This paper reports on the main findings of a large measurement campaign aiming to better understand how an exposed estuary (the Ems Estuary on the Dutch–German border) interacts with a tidal river (the lower Ems River). Eight simultaneously deployed ships measuring a tidal cycle and 10 moorings collecting data throughout a spring–neap tidal cycle have produced a dataset providing valuable insight into processes determining exchange of water and sediment between the two systems.
Final-revised paper