Articles | Volume 15, issue 11
Data description paper
30 Oct 2023
Data description paper |  | 30 Oct 2023

SinoLC-1: the first 1 m resolution national-scale land-cover map of China created with a deep learning framework and open-access data

Zhuohong Li, Wei He, Mofan Cheng, Jingxin Hu, Guangyi Yang, and Hongyan Zhang

Data sets

SinoLC-1: the first 1-meter resolution national-scale land-cover map of China created with the deep learning framework and open-access data Zhuohong Li, Wei He, Mofan Cheng, Jingxin Hu, Xiao An, Yan Huang, Guangyi Yang, and Hongyan Zhang

Short summary
Nowadays, a very-high-resolution land-cover (LC) map with national coverage is still unavailable in China, hindering efficient resource allocation. To fill this gap, the first 1 m resolution LC map of China, SinoLC-1, was built. The results showed that SinoLC-1 had an overall accuracy of 73.61 % and conformed to the official survey reports. Comparison with other datasets suggests that SinoLC-1 can be a better support for downstream applications and provide more accurate LC information to users.
Final-revised paper