Articles | Volume 15, issue 10
Data description paper
17 Oct 2023
Data description paper |  | 17 Oct 2023

The patterns of soil nitrogen stocks and C  :  N stoichiometry under impervious surfaces in China

Qian Ding, Hua Shao, Chi Zhang, and Xia Fang

Data sets

Observations of soil nitrogen and soil organic carbon to soil nitrogen stoichiometry under the impervious surfaces areas (ISA) of China Qian Ding, Hua Shao, Chi Zhang, and Xia Fang

Short summary
A soil survey in 41 Chinese cities showed the soil nitrogen (N) in impervious surface areas (ISA; NISA) was 0.59±0.35 kg m−2, lower than in pervious soils. Eastern China had the highest NISA but the lowest natural soil N in China. Soil N decreased linearly with depth in ISA but nonlinearly in natural ecosystems. Temperature was negatively correlated with C : NISA but positively correlated with natural soil C : N. The unique NISA patterns imply intensive disturbance in N cycle by soil sealing.
Final-revised paper