Articles | Volume 15, issue 10
Data description paper
05 Oct 2023
Data description paper |  | 05 Oct 2023

Geospatial dataset for hydrologic analyses in India (GHI): a quality-controlled dataset on river gauges, catchment boundaries and hydrometeorological time series

Gopi Goteti

Data sets

Geospatial dataset for Hydrologic analyses in India (GHI): A quality controlled dataset on river gauges, catchment boundaries and hydrometeorological time series Gopi Goteti

Short summary
Data on river gauging stations, river basin boundaries and river flow paths are critical for hydrological analyses, but existing data for India's river basins have limited availability and reliability. This work fills the gap by building a new dataset. Data for 645 stations in 15 basins of India were compiled and checked against global data sources; data were supplemented with additional information where needed. This dataset will serve as a reliable building block in hydrological analyses.
Final-revised paper