Articles | Volume 15, issue 9
Data description paper
05 Sep 2023
Data description paper |  | 05 Sep 2023

An atlas of seabed biodiversity for Aotearoa New Zealand

Fabrice Stephenson, Tom Brough, Drew Lohrer, Daniel Leduc, Shane Geange, Owen Anderson, David Bowden, Malcolm R. Clark, Niki Davey, Enrique Pardo, Dennis P. Gordon, Brittany Finucci, Michelle Kelly, Diana Macpherson, Lisa McCartain, Sadie Mills, Kate Neill, Wendy Nelson, Rachael Peart, Matthew H. Pinkerton, Geoffrey B. Read, Jodie Robertson, Ashley Rowden, Kareen Schnabel, Andrew Stewart, Carl Struthers, Leigh Tait, Di Tracey, Shaun Weston, and Carolyn Lundquist

Data sets

An atlas of seabed biodiversity for Aotearoa New Zealand Fabrice Stephenson, Tom Brough, Drew Lohrer, Daniel Leduc, Shane Geange, Owen Anderson, David Bowden, Malcolm R. Clark, Niki Davey, Enrique Pardo, Dennis P. Gordon, Brittany Finucci, Michelle Kelly, Diana Macpherson, Lisa McCartain, Sadie Mills, Kate Neill, Wendy Nelson, Rachael Peart, Matthew H. Pinkerton, Geoffrey B. Read, Jodie Robertson, Ashley Rowden, Kareen Schnabel, Andrew Stewart, Carl Struthers, Leigh Tait, Di Tracey, Shaun Weston, and Carolyn Lundquist

Short summary
Understanding the distribution of species that live at the seafloor is critical to the management of the marine environment but is lacking in many areas. Here, we showcase an atlas of seafloor biodiversity that describes the distribution of approximately 600 organisms throughout New Zealand’s vast marine realm. Each layer in the open-access atlas has been evaluated by leading experts and provides a key resource for the sustainable use of New Zealand's marine environment.
Final-revised paper