Articles | Volume 15, issue 7
Data description paper
26 Jul 2023
Data description paper |  | 26 Jul 2023

A new sea ice concentration product in the polar regions derived from the FengYun-3 MWRI sensors

Ying Chen, Ruibo Lei, Xi Zhao, Shengli Wu, Yue Liu, Pei Fan, Qing Ji, Peng Zhang, and Xiaoping Pang

Data sets

Sea ice concentration derived from temperature brightness data of the Microwave Radiation Imager sensors onboard the Chinese FengYun-3 satellites in the polar regions from 2010 to 2019 Ying Chen, Xiaoping Pang, Ruibo Lei, and X. Zhao

Short summary
The sea ice concentration product derived from the Microwave Radiation Image sensors on board the FengYun-3 satellites can reasonably and independently identify the seasonal and long-term changes of sea ice, as well as extreme cases of annual maximum and minimum sea ice extent in polar regions. It is comparable with other sea ice concentration products and applied to the studies of climate and marine environment.
Final-revised paper