Articles | Volume 15, issue 4
Data description paper
18 Apr 2023
Data description paper |  | 18 Apr 2023

The sea level time series of Trieste, Molo Sartorio, Italy (1869–2021)

Fabio Raicich

Data sets

Sea-level observations at Trieste, Molo Sartorio, Italy Fabio Raicich

Short summary
In the changing climate, long sea level time series are essential for studying the variability of the mean sea level and the occurrence of extreme events on different timescales. This work summarizes the rescue and quality control of the ultra-centennial sea level data set of Trieste, Italy. The whole time series is characterized by a linear trend of about 1.4 mm yr−1, the period corresponding to the altimetry coverage by a trend of about 3.0 mm yr−1, similarly to the global ocean.
Final-revised paper