Articles | Volume 14, issue 10
Data description paper
20 Oct 2022
Data description paper |  | 20 Oct 2022

Carbon fluxes from land 2000–2020: bringing clarity to countries' reporting

Giacomo Grassi, Giulia Conchedda, Sandro Federici, Raul Abad Viñas, Anu Korosuo, Joana Melo, Simone Rossi, Marieke Sandker, Zoltan Somogyi, Matteo Vizzarri, and Francesco N. Tubiello


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Short summary
Despite increasing attention on the role of land use CO2 fluxes in climate change mitigation, there are large differences in available databases. Here we present the most updated and complete compilation of land use CO2 data based on country submissions to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and explain differences with other datasets. Our dataset brings clarity of land use CO2 fluxes and helps track country progress under the Paris Agreement.
Final-revised paper