Articles | Volume 14, issue 9
Data description paper
26 Sep 2022
Data description paper |  | 26 Sep 2022

Reanalyses of Maskelyne's tidal data at St. Helena in 1761

Philip L. Woodworth and John M. Vassie

Data sets

Maskelyne sea level observations from the Island of St. Helena in 1761 Philip Leslie Woodworth and John McLauchlan Vassie

Short summary
An electronic data set of tidal measurements at St. Helena in 1761 by Nevil Maskelyne is described. These data were first analysed by Cartwright in papers on changing tides, but his data files were never archived. The now newly digitised Maskelyne data have been reanalysed in order to obtain an updated impression of whether the tide has changed at that location in over two and a half centuries. Our main conclusion is that the major tidal constituent (M2) has changed little.
Final-revised paper