Articles | Volume 14, issue 9
Data description paper
05 Sep 2022
Data description paper |  | 05 Sep 2022

Application of a new net primary production methodology: a daily to annual-scale data set for the North Sea, derived from autonomous underwater gliders and satellite Earth observation

Benjamin R. Loveday, Timothy Smyth, Anıl Akpinar, Tom Hull, Mark E. Inall, Jan Kaiser, Bastien Y. Queste, Matt Tobermann, Charlotte A. J. Williams, and Matthew R. Palmer

Data sets

Primary productivity estimates derived from ocean gliders in situ sensors and photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) estimates from in situ and satellite data in the North Sea, November 2017-May 2019 (version 2) B. R. Loveday and T. Smyth

Model code and software

Primary Production modelling using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV)s B. R. Loveday and T. Smyth

Short summary
Using a new approach to combine autonomous underwater glider data and satellite Earth observations, we have generated a 19-month time series of North Sea net primary productivity – the rate at which phytoplankton absorbs carbon dioxide minus that lost through respiration. This time series, which spans 13 gliders, allows for new investigations into small-scale, high-frequency variability in the biogeochemical processes that underpin the carbon cycle and coastal marine ecosystems in shelf seas.
Final-revised paper