Articles | Volume 13, issue 11
Data description paper
25 Nov 2021
Data description paper |  | 25 Nov 2021

The Southern Ocean Radiolarian (SO-RAD) dataset: a new compilation of modern radiolarian census data

Kelly-Anne Lawler, Giuseppe Cortese, Matthieu Civel-Mazens, Helen Bostock, Xavier Crosta, Amy Leventer, Vikki Lowe, John Rogers, and Leanne K. Armand


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Short summary
Radiolarians found in marine sediments are used to reconstruct past Southern Ocean environments. This requires a comprehensive modern dataset. The Southern Ocean Radiolarian (SO-RAD) dataset includes radiolarian counts from sites in the Southern Ocean. It can be used for palaeoceanographic reconstructions or to study modern species diversity and abundance. We describe the data collection and include recommendations for users unfamiliar with procedures typically used by the radiolarian community.
Final-revised paper