Articles | Volume 13, issue 6
Data description paper
14 Jun 2021
Data description paper |  | 14 Jun 2021

A standardized database of Marine Isotopic Stage 5e sea-level proxies on tropical Pacific islands

Nadine Hallmann, Gilbert Camoin, Jody M. Webster, and Marc Humblet


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Short summary
The last interglacial (Marine Isotope Stage 5e – MIS 5e) occurred between 128 and 116 ka when sea level was about 6–8 m above its present level; sea-level changes during this period are still debated. MIS 5e represents a potential future warm-climate analogue. This paper presents an open-access database based on the review of MIS 5e coral reef records from many tropical Pacific islands. Overall, the database contains 318 age data points and 94 relative sea-level data points from 38 studies.
Final-revised paper