Articles | Volume 13, issue 6
Data description paper
04 Jun 2021
Data description paper |  | 04 Jun 2021

The hysteretic response of a shallow pyroclastic deposit

Luca Comegna, Emilia Damiano, Roberto Greco, Lucio Olivares, and Luciano Picarelli


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Short summary
The set-up of an automatic field station allowed for the monitoring of the annual cyclic hydrological response of a deposit in pyroclastic air-fall soils covering a steep mountainous area in Campania region (Italy), which in 1999 was involved in a rainfall-induced flowslide. Data highlight the influence of the initial conditions, governed by the antecedent wetting/drying history, on the weather-induced hydraulic paths, allowing us to estimate their influence on the local stability conditions.
Final-revised paper