Articles | Volume 13, issue 4
Data description paper
20 Apr 2021
Data description paper |  | 20 Apr 2021

Last interglacial sea-level proxies in East Africa and the Western Indian Ocean

Patrick Boyden, Jennifer Weil-Accardo, Pierre Deschamps, Davide Oppo, and Alessio Rovere

Data sets

Database of last interglacial sea level proxies in the East Africa and Western Indian Ocean Region P. Boyden, J. Weil Accardo, P. Deschamps, D. Oppo, and A. Rovere

Descriptions of database fields for the World Atlas of Last Interglacial Shorelines (WALIS) A. Rovere, D. Ryan, C. Murray-Wallace, A. Simms, M. Vacchi, A. Dutton, T. Lorscheid, P. Chutcharavan, D. Brill, M. Bartz, N. Jankowski, D. Mueller, K. Cohen, and E. Gowan

Short summary
Sea levels during the last interglacial (130 to 73 ka) are seen as possible process analogs for future sea-level-rise scenarios as our world warms. To this end we catalog previously published ancient shoreline elevations and chronologies in a standardized data format for East Africa and the Western Indian Ocean region. These entries were then contributed to the greater World Atlas of Last Interglacial Shorelines database.
Final-revised paper