Data description paper
15 Dec 2020
Data description paper |

15 Dec 2020
A global anthropogenic emission inventory of atmospheric pollutants from sector- and fuel-specific sources (1970–2017): an application of the Community Emissions Data System (CEDS)
Erin E. McDuffie, Steven J. Smith, Patrick O'Rourke, Kushal Tibrewal, Chandra Venkataraman, Eloise A. Marais, Bo Zheng, Monica Crippa, Michael Brauer, and Randall V. Martin
Data sets
CEDS_GBD-MAPS: Global Anthropogenic Emission Inventory of NOx, SO2, CO, NH3, NMVOCs, BC, and OC from 1970-2017
E. McDuffie, S. Smith, P. O'Rourke, K. Tibrewal, C. Venkataraman, E. Marais, B. Zheng, M. Crippa, M. Brauer, and M. Randall
CEDS_GBD-MAPS: Data Snapshot (2014 - 2015)
E. McDuffie, S. Smith, P. O'Rourke, K. Tibrewal, C. Venkataraman, E. Marais, B. Zheng, M. Crippa, M. Brauer, and M. Randall
Model code and software
emcduffie/CEDS: CEDS_GBD-MAPS_SourceCode_2020_v1.0
E. McDuffie, R. Hoesly, P. O'Rourke, C. Braun, L. Feng, S. J. Smith, T. Pitkanen, J. J. Seibert, L. Vu, P. Muwan, R. Bolt, B. Goldstein, and N. Kholod