Articles | Volume 12, issue 4
Data description paper
08 Dec 2020
Data description paper |  | 08 Dec 2020

A coastally improved global dataset of wet tropospheric corrections for satellite altimetry

Clara Lázaro, Maria Joana Fernandes, Telmo Vieira, and Eliana Vieira

Data sets

UPorto GPD+ Wet Tropospheric Correction Maria Joana Fernandes, Clara Lázaro, Eliana Vieira, Telmo Vieira

GPD+ Wet Tropospheric Correction AVISO

Short summary
In satellite altimetry (SA), the wet tropospheric correction (WTC) accounts for the path delay induced mainly by atmospheric water vapour. In coastal regions, the accuracy of the WTC determined by the on-board radiometer deteriorates. The GPD+ methodology, developed by the University of Porto in the remit of ESA-funded projects, computes improved WTCs for SA. Global enhanced products are generated for all past and operational altimetric missions, forming a relevant dataset for coastal altimetry.
Final-revised paper