Articles | Volume 12, issue 4
Data description paper
14 Nov 2020
Data description paper |  | 14 Nov 2020

Measurements of hydrodynamics, sediment, morphology and benthos on Ameland ebb-tidal delta and lower shoreface

Bram C. van Prooijen, Marion F. S. Tissier, Floris P. de Wit, Stuart G. Pearson, Laura B. Brakenhoff, Marcel C. G. van Maarseveen, Maarten van der Vegt, Jan-Willem Mol, Frank Kok, Harriette Holzhauer, Jebbe J. van der Werf, Tommer Vermaas, Matthijs Gawehn, Bart Grasmeijer, Edwin P. L. Elias, Pieter Koen Tonnon, Giorgio Santinelli, José A. A. Antolínez, Paul Lodewijk M. de Vet, Ad J. H. M. Reniers, Zheng Bing Wang, Cornelis den Heijer, Carola van Gelder-Maas, Rinse J. A. Wilmink, Cor A. Schipper, and Harry de Looff


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Short summary
To protect the Dutch coastal zone, sand is nourished and disposed at strategic locations. Simple questions like where, how, how much and when to nourish the sand are not straightforward to answer. This is especially the case around the Wadden Sea islands where sediment transport pathways are complicated. Therefore, a large-scale field campaign has been carried out on the seaward side of Ameland Inlet. Sediment transport, hydrodynamics, morphology and fauna in the bed were measured.
Final-revised paper