Articles | Volume 11, issue 2
09 May 2019
 | 09 May 2019

Completeness of radiosonde humidity observations based on the Integrated Global Radiosonde Archive

António P. Ferreira, Raquel Nieto, and Luis Gimeno

Data sets

A dataset of completeness of radiosonde humidity observations based on the IGRA A. P. Ferreira, R. Nieto, and L. Gimeno

Short summary
The completeness of global radiosonde humidity observations taken over time is studied based on IGRA data. The study illustrates how the number of long-term time series depends on the required frequency, continuity, and vertical sampling of data, in addition to record length. Furthermore, a dataset with metadata related to IGRA is described. It is hoped that such metadata will help climate and environmental scientists to find the most complete in situ observations meeting their research needs.
Final-revised paper