Articles | Volume 11, issue 1
Review article
11 Mar 2019
Review article |  | 11 Mar 2019

A rare intercomparison of nutrient analysis at sea: lessons learned and recommendations to enhance comparability of open-ocean nutrient data

Triona McGrath, Margot Cronin, Elizabeth Kerrigan, Douglas Wallace, Clynton Gregory, Claire Normandeau, and Evin McGovern

Data sets

Nutrient data along the May 2017 GO-SHIP A02 transect T. McGrath, M. Cronin, C. Gregory, A. Bernat, L. Francisco, and E. McGovern

Nutrient data along the May 2017 GO-SHIP A02 transect E. Kerrigan, C. Normandeau, and D. Wallace

Short summary
We report results from an intercomparison exercise on the analysis of nutrients at sea. Two independent teams (Marine Institute, Ireland and Dalhousie University Canada) carried out an analysis of a GO-SHIP hydrographic section. The cruise provided a unique opportunity to assess the likely comparability of nutrient data collected following GO-SHIP protocols. Datasets were high quality and compared well but highlighted a number of issues relevant to the comparability of global nutrient data.
Final-revised paper