Articles | Volume 11, issue 3
Data description paper
04 Sep 2019
Data description paper |  | 04 Sep 2019

Monitoring ephemeral, intermittent and perennial streamflow: a dataset from 182 sites in the Attert catchment, Luxembourg

Nils Hinrich Kaplan, Ernestine Sohrt, Theresa Blume, and Markus Weiler


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Short summary
Different sensing techniques including time-lapse imagery, electric conductivity and stage measurements were used to generate a combined dataset of the presence and absence of streamflow within a large number of nested sub-catchments in the Attert catchment, Luxembourg. The first sites of observation were established in 2013 and successively extended to a total number of 182 in 2016. The dataset can be used to improve understanding of the temporal and spatial dynamics of the stream network.
Final-revised paper