Articles | Volume 10, issue 4
18 Oct 2018
 | 18 Oct 2018

SURATLANT: a 1993–2017 surface sampling in the central part of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre

Gilles Reverdin, Nicolas Metzl, Solveig Olafsdottir, Virginie Racapé, Taro Takahashi, Marion Benetti, Hedinn Valdimarsson, Alice Benoit-Cattin, Magnus Danielsen, Jonathan Fin, Aicha Naamar, Denis Pierrot, Kevin Sullivan, Francis Bringas, and Gustavo Goni


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Short summary
This paper presents the SURATLANT data set (SURveillance ATLANTique), consisting of individual data of temperature, salinity, parameters of the carbonate system, nutrients, and water stable isotopes (δ18O and δD) collected mostly from ships of opportunity since 1993 along transects between Iceland and Newfoundland. These data are used to quantify the seasonal cycle and can be used to investigate long-term tendencies in the surface ocean, including of pCO2 and pH.
Final-revised paper