Articles | Volume 10, issue 4
Review article
11 Oct 2018
Review article |  | 11 Oct 2018

Mediterranean Sea climatic indices: monitoring long-term variability and climate changes

Athanasia Iona, Athanasios Theodorou, Sarantis Sofianos, Sylvain Watelet, Charles Troupin, and Jean-Marie Beckers


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Short summary
The paper introduces a new product composed of a set of climatic indices from 1950 to 2015 for the Mediterranean Sea. It is produced from a high-resolution decadal climatology of temperature and salinity on a 1/8 degree regular grid based on the SeaDataNet V2 historical data collection. The climatic indices can contribute to the studies of the long-term variability of the Mediterranean Sea and the better understanding of the complex response of the region to the ongoing global climate change.
Final-revised paper