Articles | Volume 10, issue 1
25 Jan 2018
 | 25 Jan 2018

Webcam network and image database for studies of phenological changes of vegetation and snow cover in Finland, image time series from 2014 to 2016

Mikko Peltoniemi, Mika Aurela, Kristin Böttcher, Pasi Kolari, John Loehr, Jouni Karhu, Maiju Linkosalmi, Cemal Melih Tanis, Juha-Pekka Tuovinen, and Ali Nadir Arslan


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Latest update: 23 Nov 2024
Short summary
Monitoring ecosystems using low-cost time lapse cameras has gained wide interest among researchers worldwide. Quantitative information stored in image pixels can be analysed automatically to track time-dependent phenomena, e.g. seasonal course of leaves in the canopies or snow on ground. As such, cameras can provide valuable ground references to earth observation. Here we document the ecosystem camera network we established to Finland and publish time series of images recorded between 2014–2016.
Final-revised paper