Articles | Volume 10, issue 3
30 Jul 2018
 | 30 Jul 2018

Seasonal carbonate chemistry variability in marine surface waters of the US Pacific Northwest

Andrea J. Fassbender, Simone R. Alin, Richard A. Feely, Adrienne J. Sutton, Jan A. Newton, Christopher Krembs, Julia Bos, Mya Keyzers, Allan Devol, Wendi Ruef, and Greg Pelletier


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Short summary
Ocean acidification (OA) is difficult to identify in coastal marine waters due to the magnitude of natural variability and lack of historical baseline information. To provide regional context for ongoing research, adaptation, and management efforts, we have collated high-quality publicly available data to characterize seasonal cycles of OA-relevant parameters in the Pacific Northwest marine surface waters. Large nonstationary chemical gradients from the open ocean into the Salish Sea are found.
Final-revised paper