28 Feb 2025
 | 28 Feb 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

Measurement of the ice-nucleating particle concentration using a mobile filter-based sampler on-board of a fixed-wing uncrewed aerial vehicle during the Pallas Cloud Experiment 2022

Alexander Julian Böhmländer, Larissa Lacher, Kristina Höhler, David Brus, Konstantinos-Matthaios Doulgeris, Jessica Girdwood, Thomas Leisner, and Ottmar Möhler

Abstract. A novel filter-based sampler was deployed during the Pallas Cloud Experiment (PaCE) 2022 for a one-month period in September and October 2022 in Finnish Lapland around 5 km north of the Sammaltunturi station. This area frequently features low-level clouds during autumn. The sampler was deployed on-board of an uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) and on the ground. Two filters were deployed simultaneously on the ground and on the UAV to enable a comparison between the two vertical levels. The dataset contains 14 INP spectra that feature a temporal overlap at both altitudes, a handling blank filter to assess possible contamination during handling and one additional sample from both setups without the temporal overlap. The dataset is the first of its kind, providing altitude-based INP concentrations in Finnish Lapland. There is no clear systematic difference between INP concentrations measured at the different altitudes. The INP concentration is variable over the period measured and also does show some differences on the vertical level. The connection to synoptic conditions and ambient measurements might provide a better understanding of the origin, lifetime, and distribution of INPs in Finnish Lapland.

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Alexander Julian Böhmländer, Larissa Lacher, Kristina Höhler, David Brus, Konstantinos-Matthaios Doulgeris, Jessica Girdwood, Thomas Leisner, and Ottmar Möhler

Status: open (until 06 Apr 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Alexander Julian Böhmländer, Larissa Lacher, Kristina Höhler, David Brus, Konstantinos-Matthaios Doulgeris, Jessica Girdwood, Thomas Leisner, and Ottmar Möhler

Data sets

Data from filter-based sampler from the ground and on-board of an uncrewed aerial vehicle during the Pallas Cloud Experiment 2022 Alexander Böhmländer, Ottmar Möhler, and Larissa Lacher

Alexander Julian Böhmländer, Larissa Lacher, Kristina Höhler, David Brus, Konstantinos-Matthaios Doulgeris, Jessica Girdwood, Thomas Leisner, and Ottmar Möhler


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Short summary
Clouds play a key role in weather and climate. Pure liquid water droplets are liquid until about -35 °C without the presence of a small subset of aerosols, ice-nucleating particles (INPs). These INPs lead to primary ice formation and therefore impact the phase of clouds. The dataset described herein provides INP concentration measurements at two altitudes. Connecting this data to synoptic conditions and ambient data might provide a better understanding of INPs in Finnish Lapland.