17 Mar 2025
 | 17 Mar 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

CRA-LICOM: A global high-frequency atmospheric and oceanic temporal gravity field product (2002–2024)

Fan Yang, Jiahui Bai, Hailong Liu, Weihang Zhang, Yi Wu, Shuhao Liu, Chunxiang Shi, Tao Zhang, Min Zhong, Zitong Zhu, Changqing Wang, Ehsan Forootan, Jiangfeng Yu, Zipeng Yu, and Yun Xiao

Abstract. Modeling sub-daily mass changes, dominated by the atmosphere and the oceans, is not only essential for understanding weather and climate change but also serves as a fundamental requirement for nearly all existing terrestrial or space-borne geodetic observations to perform signal separation. Removing these high-frequency mass changes, through the usage of so-called de-aliasing products, is of particular interest for satellite gravity missions such as GRACE and GRACE-FO to prevent the aliasing of short-term mass changes into seasonal and long-term mass variability. However, establishing a global observation network to monitor high-frequency gravity signals is impractical. Thus, ongoing efforts focus on simulating this high-frequency signal by driving atmospheric/oceanic numerical models with specific climate-forcing fields and assimilating observational data. Its realization relies on a complicated system and the uncertainty of obtained results is non-negligible for its dependency on selected forcing field and ocean model.

To explore the signal and uncertainty of de-aliasing products, we establish China’s first de-aliasing computation platform, independently. This is achieved by using the recently released CRA-40 (China’s first generation of atmospheric reanalysis) as forcing fields to drive our in-house 3-D atmospheric integration model and the LASG/IAP (State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics/Institute of Atmospheric Physics) Climate System Ocean Model 3.0 (LICOM3.0). With this new platform, we reproduce an alternative high-frequency atmospheric and oceanic gravity de-aliasing product, called CRA-LICOM, at 6 hourly and 50 km resolution, covering 2002–2024 at a global scale. The product is freely available at Inter-comparisons with the products of GFZ (Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum) and validations against independent observations have revealed: (i) the current version of CRA-LICOM has well satisfied the requirement of the state-of-the-art satellite gravity missions, as well as other geodetic measurements, and (ii) despite agreement across most areas, considerable uncertainty is found at marginal seas near continental shelves, particularly at high-latitude regions. Therefore, scientific applications that aim to understand the fast-changing global water cycle, as well as mission design of future satellite gravity that seeks accurate gravity de-aliasing, can use our product as a reliable source. The current platform has the potential to be improved in terms of modeling and data assimilation capacity, which will be outlined in this study.

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Fan Yang, Jiahui Bai, Hailong Liu, Weihang Zhang, Yi Wu, Shuhao Liu, Chunxiang Shi, Tao Zhang, Min Zhong, Zitong Zhu, Changqing Wang, Ehsan Forootan, Jiangfeng Yu, Zipeng Yu, and Yun Xiao

Status: open (until 30 Apr 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Fan Yang, Jiahui Bai, Hailong Liu, Weihang Zhang, Yi Wu, Shuhao Liu, Chunxiang Shi, Tao Zhang, Min Zhong, Zitong Zhu, Changqing Wang, Ehsan Forootan, Jiangfeng Yu, Zipeng Yu, and Yun Xiao

Data sets

CRA-LICOM: A global high-frequency atmospheric and oceanic temporal gravity field product (2002-2024), National Tibetan Plateau / Third Pole Environment Data Center Liu et al.

Fan Yang, Jiahui Bai, Hailong Liu, Weihang Zhang, Yi Wu, Shuhao Liu, Chunxiang Shi, Tao Zhang, Min Zhong, Zitong Zhu, Changqing Wang, Ehsan Forootan, Jiangfeng Yu, Zipeng Yu, and Yun Xiao


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Short summary
We introduce China’s first de-aliasing computation platform, incorporating China’s Atmospheric Reanalysis and an in-house ocean circulation model. This platform produces CRA-LICOM, a high-frequency atmospheric and oceanic gravity de-aliasing product with a 6-hourly, 50 km resolution covering 2002–2024 globally. This product is reliable for de-aliasing, signal separation in satellite gravity missions, and climate change studies.