06 Feb 2025
 | 06 Feb 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

Integrating Global Ocean Profiles Data and Altimetry-Derived Eddies

Iury T. Simoes-Sousa, Cesar Rocha, Amit Tandon, and Andre Schmidt

Abstract. Satellite altimetry has revolutionized our understanding of ocean physics by providing global sea-surface height data. These measurements reveal the intricate dynamics of ocean mesoscale strain and vortices, and their interactions with multiple physical scales in the oceans. Although surface dynamics has been extensively studied, investigating the vertical structure of mesoscale eddies globally remains a computational challenge. In this study, we combine the comprehensive World Ocean Database (WOD) with a database of Eulerian mesoscale eddies (META3.2 DT). We pre-process and filter the WOD data, selecting quality controlled profiles at local depths greater than 100-m. By integrating WOD data with altimetry-derived mesoscale eddies, we aim to facilitate future studies on the role of mesoscale vortices in multiple processes, such as heat, mass and nutrient transport, and water-mass subduction. The analysis is performed using high-performance computing resources, with Python packages for parallel processing of the data and analysis of more than 4.2 million profiles with more than 35 million vortex observations. The dataset is available by download and by direct access through an OPeNDAP/HTTP server. Additionally, we provide the code for performing the vortex-profile matching, along with an example of use to facilitate future updates to the code and merged data. This dataset supports further research on eddy vertical structure, biogeochemical processes, and their role in climate systems across different regions and time periods.

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Iury T. Simoes-Sousa, Cesar Rocha, Amit Tandon, and Andre Schmidt

Status: open (until 20 Apr 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • CC1: 'RC Comment on essd-2025-40', Paola Picco, 12 Feb 2025 reply
Iury T. Simoes-Sousa, Cesar Rocha, Amit Tandon, and Andre Schmidt

Data sets

Vortex-Profile Matching Dataset Iury Simoes-Sousa, Cesar Barbedo Rocha, Amit Tandon, and Andre Schmidt

Video abstract

Matching World Ocean Database with Eulerian Altimetry-Based Eddies Iury Simoes-Sousa

Iury T. Simoes-Sousa, Cesar Rocha, Amit Tandon, and Andre Schmidt


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Short summary
This research combines ocean profile data with satellite-tracked ocean vortex data to explore the vertical structure of ocean vortices globally. It integrates over 4 million vertical profiles with 35 million vortex observations. The dataset, processed using advanced computing, is openly accessible and offers a foundation for studying the role of ocean vortices on weather, climate, and ecosystems.