20 Jan 2025
 | 20 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

A New-Generation Internal Tide Model Based on 30 Years of Satellite Sea Surface Height Measurements

Zhongxiang Zhao

Abstract. An internal tide model ZHAO30yr is developed using 30 years of satellite altimetry sea surface height measurements from 1993 to 2022 by a newly improved mapping technique that consists of two rounds of plane wave analysis with a spatial bandpass filter in between. Prerequisite wavelengths are obtained using climatological annual-mean hydrographic profiles in the World Ocean Atlas 2018. The model contains 12 internal tide constituents: 8 mode-1 constituents (M2, S2, N2, K2, K1, O1, P1, and Q1) and 4 mode-2 constituents (M2, S2, K1, and O1). Model errors are estimated to be lower than 1 mm in amplitude, thanks to the new mapping technique and long data record. The model is evaluated by making internal tide correction to independent altimetry data in 2023. Ten constituents (but for K2 and Q1) can reduce variance on global average; K2 and Q1 can cause variance reductions in their source regions. The model decomposes the multiconstituent multimodal multidirectional internal tide field into a series of plane waves at each grid point. The decomposition reveals unprecedented features previously masked by multiwave interference. The model divides each internal tide constituent into components by propagation direction. The directionally-decomposed components reveal numerous long-range internal tidal beams associated with notable topographic features. The semidiurnal beams off the Amazon shelf and the diurnal beams in the Arabian Sea are examined in detail. ZHAO30yr is available for download at (Zhao, 2024).

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Zhongxiang Zhao

Status: open (until 07 Mar 2025)

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Zhongxiang Zhao

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ZHAO30yr: An internal tide model based on 30 years of satellite sea surface height measurements Zhongxiang Zhao

Zhongxiang Zhao


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Short summary
Internal tides are generated by barotropic tidal currents flowing over variable topography. They play an important role in a variety of ocean processes such as diapycnal mixing and tracer transport. A global internal tide model is developed using 30 years of satellite altimetry data and a new mapping technique. It decomposes the internal tide field into 60 plane waves at each point, giving numerous long-range beams that contain key information on their generation, propagation, and dissipation.