14 Jan 2025
 | 14 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

GCL-Mascon2024: a novel satellite gravimetry mascon solution using the short-arc approach

Zhengwen Yan, Jiangjun Ran, Pavel Ditmar, C. K. Shum, Roland Klees, Patrick Smith, and Xavier Fettweis

Abstract. This paper reports an innovative mass concentration (mascon) solution obtained with the short-arc approach, named “GCL-Mascon2024”, for estimating spatially enhanced mass variations on the Earth's surface by analyzing K-/Ka Band Ranging satellite-to-satellite tracking data collected by the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission. Compared to contemporary GRACE mascon solutions, this contribution has three notable and distinct features: First, this solution recovery process incorporates frequency-dependent data weighting techniques to reduce the influence of low-frequency noise in observations. Second, this solution uses variable-shaped mascon geometry with physical constraints such as coastline and basin boundary geometries to more accurately capture temporal gravity signals while minimizing signal leakage. Finally, we employ a solution regularization scheme that integrates climate factors and cryospheric elevation models to alleviate the ill-posed nature of the GRACE mascon inversion problem. Our research has led to the following conclusions: (a) the temporal signals from GCL-Mascon2024 exhibit 6.5 %−20.4 % lower residuals over the continental regions, as compared with the (Release) RL06 versions of other contemporary mascon solutions from GSFC, CSR, and JPL; (b) in Greenland and global hydrologic basins, the correlation coefficients of estimated mass changes between GCL-Mascon2024 and other RL06 mascon solutions exceed 95.0 %, with comparable amplitudes; especially over non-humid river basins, the GCL-Mascon2024 suppresses random noise by 36.7 % compared to contemporary mascon products; and (c) in desert regions, the analysis of residuals calculated after removing the climatological components from the mass variations indicates that the GCL-Mascon2024 solution achieves noise reductions of over 28.1 % as compared to the GSFC and CSR RL06 mascon solutions. The GCL-Mascon2024 gravity field solution (Yan and Ran, 2024) is available at

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Zhengwen Yan, Jiangjun Ran, Pavel Ditmar, C. K. Shum, Roland Klees, Patrick Smith, and Xavier Fettweis

Status: open (until 17 Apr 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on essd-2024-512', Anonymous Referee #1, 04 Mar 2025 reply
  • CC1: 'Comment on essd-2024-512', Yaozong Li, 10 Mar 2025 reply
Zhengwen Yan, Jiangjun Ran, Pavel Ditmar, C. K. Shum, Roland Klees, Patrick Smith, and Xavier Fettweis

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GCL-Mascon2024: a novel satellite gravimetry Mascon solution using the short-arc approach Zhengwen Yan and Jiangjun Ran

Zhengwen Yan, Jiangjun Ran, Pavel Ditmar, C. K. Shum, Roland Klees, Patrick Smith, and Xavier Fettweis


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Short summary
The Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission has greatly improved our understanding of changes in Earth's gravity field over time. A novel mass concentration (mascon) dataset, GCL-Mascon2024, was determined by leveraging the short-arc approach, advanced spatial constraints, frequency-dependent noise processing strategy, and parameterization integrating natural boundaries, which aims to enhance accuracy for monitoring mass transportation on Earth.