27 Aug 2024
 | 27 Aug 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

PEATGRIDS: Mapping thickness and carbon stock of global peatlands via digital soil mapping

Marliana Tri Widyastuti, Budiman Minasny, José Padarian, Federico Maggi, Matt Aitkenhead, Amélie Beucher, John Connolly, Dian Fiantis, Darren Kidd, Yuxin Ma, Fraser Macfarlane, Ciaran Robb, Rudiyanto, Budi Indra Setiawan, and Muh Taufik

Abstract. Peatlands, which only cover 3 to 5 percent of the global land area, can store up to twice the amount of carbon as the world’s forests. Although recognised for their significant role in the global carbon cycle, discovering the global extent of peatlands and their carbon stock remains challenging. Referring to the UNEP's global peatland map, here we present PEATGRIDS, a data product containing global maps of peat thickness and carbon stock created created using the digital soil mapping approach. We compiled over 25,000 observations of peatland thickness, bulk density (BD) and carbon content (CC), globally. Using the Random Forest (RF) algorithm, we estimated peat thickness and peat BD and CC at ~1 km resolution at multiple depths (0–2 m) globally. The estimates were generated using 19 land surface covariates from digital maps and remote sensing images of land use, soil characteristics, topographical features, and climate parameters. The RF models for peat thickness were trained on 25,200 points grouped into six geographic regions. Validation of the peat thickness estimates showed a good performance, with the coefficient of determination (R2) ranging from 0.15 to 0.72. The prediction for peat BD and CC followed the same model architecture and were trained on 17,000 and 7,000 points, respectively. Overall, BD and CC models performed well and consistently across soil layers with average R2 values of 0.61 for BD and 0.48 for CC. Based on the estimated peat thickness, BD and CC, the carbon stock of global peatland was estimated to be 1,029 Pg C for peat dominated area of 6.57 million km2. PEATGRIDS is made available at (Widyastuti et al., 2024) to support further analyses and modelling of peatlands across the globe.

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Marliana Tri Widyastuti, Budiman Minasny, José Padarian, Federico Maggi, Matt Aitkenhead, Amélie Beucher, John Connolly, Dian Fiantis, Darren Kidd, Yuxin Ma, Fraser Macfarlane, Ciaran Robb, Rudiyanto, Budi Indra Setiawan, and Muh Taufik

Status: open (until 03 Oct 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Marliana Tri Widyastuti, Budiman Minasny, José Padarian, Federico Maggi, Matt Aitkenhead, Amélie Beucher, John Connolly, Dian Fiantis, Darren Kidd, Yuxin Ma, Fraser Macfarlane, Ciaran Robb, Rudiyanto, Budi Indra Setiawan, and Muh Taufik

Data sets

PEATGRIDS: Mapping global peat thickness and carbon stock via digital soil mapping approach, dataset M. T. Widyastuti, B. Minasny, J. Padarian, and F. Maggi

Marliana Tri Widyastuti, Budiman Minasny, José Padarian, Federico Maggi, Matt Aitkenhead, Amélie Beucher, John Connolly, Dian Fiantis, Darren Kidd, Yuxin Ma, Fraser Macfarlane, Ciaran Robb, Rudiyanto, Budi Indra Setiawan, and Muh Taufik


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Short summary
PEATGRIDS, the first dataset containing maps of global peat thickness and carbon stock at 1 km resolution. The dataset has been publicly available at Zenodo to support further analyses and modelling of peatlands across the globe. This work employed the random forest machine learning model to provide spatially explicit peat carbon stock at pixel basis.