29 Aug 2024
 | 29 Aug 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

CAMELS-AUS v2: updated hydrometeorological timeseries and landscape attributes for an enlarged set of catchments in Australia

Keirnan J. A. Fowler, Ziqi Zhang, and Xue Hou

Abstract. This paper presents Version 2 (v2) of the Australian edition of the Catchment Attributes and Meteorology for Large-sample Studies (CAMELS) series of datasets. Since publication in 2021, CAMELS-AUS (Australia) has served as a resource for the study of hydrological change, arid-zone hydrology, and hydrological model improvement. In this update, the dataset has been significantly enhanced both temporally and spatially. The new dataset comprises information for over twice as many catchments (561 compared to 222). The streamflow and climatic information are updated a further eight years (2022 compared to 2014). Lastly, the catchment attribute information is improved, particularly with respect to hydrological statistics (signatures) and uncertainty in streamflow. Together, these updates make CAMELS-AUS v2 a more comprehensive and current resource for hydrological research and applications. CAMELS-AUS v2 is freely downloadable from (Fowler et al., 2024).

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Keirnan J. A. Fowler, Ziqi Zhang, and Xue Hou

Status: open (until 05 Oct 2024)

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  • RC1: 'Comment on essd-2024-263', Anonymous Referee #1, 30 Aug 2024 reply
Keirnan J. A. Fowler, Ziqi Zhang, and Xue Hou

Data sets

CAMELS-AUS v2: updated hydrometeorological timeseries and landscape attributes for an enlarged set of catchments in Australia K. J. A. Fowler, Z. Zhang, and X. Hou

Keirnan J. A. Fowler, Ziqi Zhang, and Xue Hou


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Short summary
This paper presents Version 2 of the Australian edition of the Catchment Attributes and Meteorology for Large-sample Studies (CAMELS) series of datasets. CAMELS-AUS v2 comprises data for an increased number (561) of catchments, each with with long-term monitoring, combining hydrometeorological time series with attributes related to geology, soil, topography, land cover, anthropogenic influence and hydroclimatology. It is freely downloadable from