24 Oct 2024
 | 24 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

Dual-hemisphere sea ice thickness reference measurements from multiple data sources for evaluation and product inter-comparison of satellite altimetry

Ida Birgitte Lundtorp Olsen, Henriette Skourup, Heidi Sallila, Stefan Hendricks, Renée Mie Fredensborg Hansen, Stefan Kern, Stephan Paul, Marion Bocquet, Sara Fleury, Dmitry Divine, and Eero Rinne

Abstract. Sea ice altimetry currently remains the primary method for estimating sea ice thickness from space, however time-series of sea ice thickness estimates are of limited use without having been quality-controlled against reference measurements. Such reference observations for sea ice thickness validation in the polar regions are sparse and rarely presented in a format matching the satellite-derived products. Here, the first published comprehensive collection of sea ice reference observations including freeboard, thickness, draft and snow depth from sea ice-covered regions in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) and the Southern Hemisphere (SH) is presented. The observations have been collected using airborne sensors, autonomous drifting buoys, moored and submarine-mounted upward-looking sonars, and visual observations. The data package has been prepared to match the spatial (25 km for NH and 50 km for SH) and temporal (monthly) resolutions of conventional satellite altimetry-derived sea ice thickness data products for a direct evaluation of these. This data package, also known as the Climate Change Initiative (CCI) sea ice thickness (SIT) Round Robin Data Package (RRDP) was produced within the ESA CCI sea ice project. The current version of the CCI SIT RRDP covers the polar satellite altimetry era (1993–2021) and is part of ongoing efforts to keep the dataset updated. The CCI SIT RRDP has been collocated to satellite-derived sea ice thickness products from CryoSat-2, Envisat and ERS-1/2 produced within ESA CCI and the Fundamental Data Records for Altimetry (FDR4ALT) project to demonstrate the overlap and inter-comparison between the reference observations and satellite-derived products. Here, the CCI SIT RRDP is introduced along with examples of its use as a validation source for satellite altimetry products, where the averaging, collocation and uncertainty methodology is presented and their advantages and limitations are discussed.

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Ida Birgitte Lundtorp Olsen, Henriette Skourup, Heidi Sallila, Stefan Hendricks, Renée Mie Fredensborg Hansen, Stefan Kern, Stephan Paul, Marion Bocquet, Sara Fleury, Dmitry Divine, and Eero Rinne

Status: open (extended)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on essd-2024-234', Alek Petty, 22 Nov 2024 reply
Ida Birgitte Lundtorp Olsen, Henriette Skourup, Heidi Sallila, Stefan Hendricks, Renée Mie Fredensborg Hansen, Stefan Kern, Stephan Paul, Marion Bocquet, Sara Fleury, Dmitry Divine, and Eero Rinne

Data sets

Sea ice thickness reference measurements (ESA CCI SIT RRDP) Ida Lundtorp Olsen and Henriette Skourup

Model code and software

Code for sea ice thickness reference measurements Ida Lundtorp Olsen and Henriette Skourup

Ida Birgitte Lundtorp Olsen, Henriette Skourup, Heidi Sallila, Stefan Hendricks, Renée Mie Fredensborg Hansen, Stefan Kern, Stephan Paul, Marion Bocquet, Sara Fleury, Dmitry Divine, and Eero Rinne


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Short summary
Discover the latest advancements in sea ice research with our comprehensive Climate Change Initiative (CCI) sea ice thickness (SIT) Round Robin Data Package (RRDP). This pioneering collection contains reference measurements from 1960 to 2022 from airborne sensors, buoys, visual observations and sonar and covers the polar regions from 1993 to 2021, providing crucial reference measurements for validating satellite-derived sea ice thickness.