27 Jul 2018
 | 27 Jul 2018
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal ESSD but the revision was not accepted.

GMED: Global Marine Environment Datasets for environment visualisation and species distribution modelling

Zeenatul Basher, David A. Bowden, and Mark J. Costello

Abstract. The Global Marine Environment Datasets (GMED) is a compilation of publicly available climatic, biological and geophysical environmental layers featuring present, past and future environmental conditions. Marine biologists increasingly utilize geo-spatial techniques with modelling algorithms to visualize and predict species biodiversity at a global scale. Marine environmental datasets available for species distribution modelling (SDM) have different spatial resolutions and are frequently provided in assorted file formats. This makes data assembly one of the most time-consuming parts of any study using multiple environmental layers for biogeography visualization or SDM applications. GMED covers the widest available range of environmental layers from a variety of sources and depths from the surface to the deepest part of the ocean. It has a uniform spatial extent, high-resolution land mask (to eliminate land areas in the marine regions), and high spatial resolution (5 arc-minute, c. 9.2 km near equator). The free public online availability of GMED enables rapid map overlay of species of interest (e.g. endangered or invasive) against different environmental conditions of the past, present and the future, and expedites mapping distribution ranges of species using popular SDM algorithms. GMED can be found at (DOI: https://10.6084/m9.figshare.5937268).

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Zeenatul Basher, David A. Bowden, and Mark J. Costello
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Zeenatul Basher, David A. Bowden, and Mark J. Costello

Data sets

Global Marine Environment Dataset (GMED) Z. Basher, D. A. Bowden, and M. J. Costello

Zeenatul Basher, David A. Bowden, and Mark J. Costello


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Short summary
GMED is a global marine environment dataset with climatic, biological and geophysical environmental layers of both present days, past and future environmental conditions. Data layers were compiled together into a uniform Geographic Informations System ready dataset having a similar extent and spatial resolution (5 arc-minute, approx. 9.2 km). The GMED dataset is ready to use with popular species distribution modeling (SDM) software and for any other marine environment visualization exercises.