16 Apr 2018
 | 16 Apr 2018
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal ESSD. A revision for further review has not been submitted.

Water remote sensing reflectance from radiative transfer simulations on a global scale of Inherent Optical Properties

Lena Kritten, Rene Preusker, Carsten Brockmann, Tonio Fincke, Sampsa Koponen, and Jürgen Fischer

Abstract. The remote-sensing reflectance (Rrs) is in someway an artificial unit, that is constructed in order to contain the spectral colour information of the water body, but to be hardly influenced by the atmosphere above. In ocean colour remotesensing it is the measure to define the optical properties of the water/water constituents. Rrs is the ratio of water-leaving radiance and down-welling irradiance. It is derived from top-of-atmosphere radiance/reflectance measurements through atmospheric correction. A database with Rrs from radiative 5 transfer simulations is capable to serve as a forward model for the retrieval of water constituents. For the present database the Rrs is simulated in dependency of inherent optical properties (IOPs) representing pure water with different salinities and 5 water constituents (Chlorophyll-a-pigment, Detritus, CDOM (coloured dissolved organic matter), a "big" and a "small" scatterer) in a global range of concentrations. The interpolation points for each IOP were chosen in order to reproduce the entire functional relationship between this particular IOP and the corresponding Rrs. The IOPs are varied independently. The data is available for 9 solar, 9 viewing zenith and 25 azimuth angles. The spectral resolution of the data is 1nm, which allows the convolution to any ocean colour sensors’ spectral response function. The data is produced with the radiative transfer code MOMO (Matrix Operator Model), which simulates the full radiative transfer in atmosphere and ocean. The code is hosted at the institute of space sciences at Freie Universität Berlin and is not publicly available. The look-up table (LUT) is available at: doi:10.1594/WDCC/LUT_for_WDC_I (Kritten et al., 2017).

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Lena Kritten, Rene Preusker, Carsten Brockmann, Tonio Fincke, Sampsa Koponen, and Jürgen Fischer
Status: closed (peer review stopped)
Status: closed (peer review stopped)
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed (peer review stopped)
Status: closed (peer review stopped)
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Lena Kritten, Rene Preusker, Carsten Brockmann, Tonio Fincke, Sampsa Koponen, and Jürgen Fischer
Lena Kritten, Rene Preusker, Carsten Brockmann, Tonio Fincke, Sampsa Koponen, and Jürgen Fischer


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Short summary
This article provides the description and validation of a database storing simulated spectra of water remote sensing reflectance. This reflectance is e.g. derived from satellite measurements in order to gain information on ocean and inland water constituents. The database can be used as a forward model for the retrieval of water optical properties. It was generated using a radiative transfer model including all important optical processes in atmosphere and ocean.