18 Dec 2018
 | 18 Dec 2018
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal ESSD but the revision was not accepted.

Present-day high-resolution ice velocity map of the Antarctic ice sheet

Qiang Shen, Hansheng Wang, C. K. Shum, Liming Jiang, Hou Tse Hsu, Jinglong Dong, Song Mao, and Fan Gao

Abstract. Ice velocity constitutes a key parameter for estimating ice-sheet discharge rates and is crucial for improving coupled models of the Antarctic ice sheet to accurately predict its future fate and contribution to sea-level change. Here, we present a new Antarctic ice velocity map at a 100-m grid spacing inferred from Landsat 8 imagery data collected from December 2013 through March 2016 and robustly processed using the feature tracking method. These maps were assembled from over 73,000 displacement vector scenes inferred from over 32,800 optical images. Our maps cover nearly all the ice shelves, landfast ice, ice streams, and most of the ice sheet. The maps have an estimated uncertainty of less than 10 m yr-1 based on robust internal and external validations. These datasets will allow for a comprehensive continent-wide investigation of ice dynamics and mass balance combined with the existing and future ice velocity measurements and provide researchers access to better information for monitoring local changes in ice glaciers. Other uses of these datasets include control and calibration of ice-sheet modelling, developments in our understanding of Antarctic ice-sheet evolution, and improvements in the fidelity of projects investigating sea-level rise (

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Qiang Shen, Hansheng Wang, C. K. Shum, Liming Jiang, Hou Tse Hsu, Jinglong Dong, Song Mao, and Fan Gao
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
Printer-friendly Version - Printer-friendly version Supplement - Supplement
Qiang Shen, Hansheng Wang, C. K. Shum, Liming Jiang, Hou Tse Hsu, Jinglong Dong, Song Mao, and Fan Gao

Data sets

Present-day high-resolution ice velocity map of the Antarctic ice sheet Q. Shen, H. Wang, C. K. Shum, L. Jiang, H. T. Hsu, and J. Dong

Qiang Shen, Hansheng Wang, C. K. Shum, Liming Jiang, Hou Tse Hsu, Jinglong Dong, Song Mao, and Fan Gao


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Short summary
Thorough and continued monitoring of ice-sheet dynamics is of utmost importance for accurate predictions of ice-sheet behavior in the future. We present a new Antarctic ice velocity map at a 100-m grid spacing inferred from Landsat 8 imagery data. The datasets will allow for a comprehensive continent-wide investigation of ice dynamics and mass balance with the existing and future ice velocity measurements, provide control and calibration for ice-sheet modelling.