21 Oct 2011
 | 21 Oct 2011
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal ESSD but the revision was not accepted.

Data recovery of A06 and A07 WOCE cruises

N. M. Fajar, F. F. Pérez, A. Velo, and A. F. Ríos

Abstract. The WOCE cruises were carried out during the 1990s and were included in GLODAP, which is an easily usable, available and fully calibrated global database. AT and CT data, together with the rest of carbon variables, were subjected to rigorous quality control and some adjustments were done assuming biases, in case of AT and CT, not greater than ±6 μmol kg−1 and ±4 μmol kg−1, respectively. The A06 and A07 cruises were deleted from GLODAP database owing to AT and CT data were not suitable for analysis. However, these data are still available in CLIVAR and Carbon Hydrographic Data Office web site, demonstrated the unreliable quality of AT and CT, but contrarily, the more realistic profiles of pH data. The main goal of the present work is to recover AT and CT data of A06 and A07 using GLODAP database combining with CARINA database and the most contemporary cruise MOC2Equatorial 2010. Thus, AT data of A06 and A07 will be renewed using directly these data in a particular application of Multiple Linear Regression: the 3-D moving window MLR estimation method. Moreover, CT data will be recalculated using the CTAT ratio together with the obtained results from the crossovers analysis method. In order to demonstrate the quality of the recovered AT and CT, the new pH has been calculated, showing the good agreement in terms of pH obtained between A06 and A07 related to MOC2. To sum up, the entire carbon databases of A06 and A07 were checked and recovered.

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N. M. Fajar, F. F. Pérez, A. Velo, and A. F. Ríos
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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N. M. Fajar, F. F. Pérez, A. Velo, and A. F. Ríos
N. M. Fajar, F. F. Pérez, A. Velo, and A. F. Ríos


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