Articles | Volume 9, issue 1
30 Mar 2017
 | 30 Mar 2017

Basin-scale water-balance dataset (BSWB): an update

Martin Hirschi and Sonia I. Seneviratne

Abstract. This paper presents an update of a basin-scale diagnostic dataset of monthly variations in terrestrial water storage for large river basins worldwide (BSWB v2016, doi:10.5905/ethz-1007-82). Terrestrial water storage comprises all forms of water storage on land surfaces, and its seasonal and inter-annual variations are mostly determined by soil moisture, groundwater, snow cover, and surface water. The dataset presented is derived using a combined atmospheric and terrestrial water-balance approach with conventional streamflow measurements and reanalysis data of atmospheric moisture flux convergence. It extends a previous, existing version of the dataset (Mueller et al., 2011) temporally and spatially.

Short summary
Terrestrial water storage comprises all forms of water storage on land surfaces, and its seasonal and inter-annual variations are mostly determined by soil moisture, groundwater, snow cover, and surface water. Soil moisture, especially, contributes to land--atmosphere coupling in an essential way. This paper presents an update of a basin-scale diagnostic dataset of monthly variations in terrestrial water storage for large river basins worldwide.
Final-revised paper