21 Jan 2025
 | 21 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

Mapping global distributions, environmental controls, and uncertainties of apparent top- and subsoil organic carbon turnover times

Lei Zhang, Lin Yang, Thomas W. Crowther, Constantin M. Zohner, Sebastian Doetterl, Gerard B. M. Heuvelink, Alexandre M. J.-C. Wadoux, A.-Xing Zhu, Yue Pu, Feixue Shen, Haozhi Ma, Yibiao Zou, and Chenghu Zhou

Abstract. The turnover time (τ) of global soil organic carbon is central to the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. Yet our spatially-explicit understanding of depth-dependent variations and environmental controls of τ at a global scale remain incomplete. In this study, we combine multiple state-of-the-art observation-based datasets, including over ninety thousand geo-referenced soil profiles, the latest root observations distributed globally, and large amounts of satellite-derived environmental variables, to generate global maps of apparent τ in topsoil (0–0.3 m) and subsoil (0.3–1 m) layers with a spatial resolution of 30 arcsec (~1 km at the Equator). We show that subsoil τ (385203485 years [mean with a variation range from 2.5th to 97.5th percentile]) is over eight times longer than topsoil τ (1511137 years). The cross-validation shows that the fitted machine learning models effectively captured the variabilities in τ, with R2 values of 0.87 and 0.70 for topsoil and subsoil τ mapping, respectively. The prediction uncertainties of the τ maps were quantified for better user applications. The environmental controls on top- and subsoil τ were investigated at global, biome, and local scales. Our analyses illustrate that how temperature, water availability, physio-chemical properties and depth exert jointly impacts on τ. The data-driven approaches allow us to identify their interactions, thereby enriching our comprehension of mechanisms driving nonlinear τ–environment relationships from global to local scales. The distributions of dominating factors of τ at local scales were mapped for identifying context-dependent controls on τ across different regions. We further reveal that the current Earth system models may underestimate τ by comparing model-derived maps with our observation-derived τ maps. The resulting maps with new insights demonstrated in this study facilitate the future modelling efforts of carbon cycle–climate feedbacks and supporting effective carbon management. The dataset is archived and freely available at (Zhang, 2025).

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Lei Zhang, Lin Yang, Thomas W. Crowther, Constantin M. Zohner, Sebastian Doetterl, Gerard B. M. Heuvelink, Alexandre M. J.-C. Wadoux, A.-Xing Zhu, Yue Pu, Feixue Shen, Haozhi Ma, Yibiao Zou, and Chenghu Zhou

Status: open (until 08 Mar 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on essd-2024-618', Anonymous Referee #1, 03 Feb 2025 reply
Lei Zhang, Lin Yang, Thomas W. Crowther, Constantin M. Zohner, Sebastian Doetterl, Gerard B. M. Heuvelink, Alexandre M. J.-C. Wadoux, A.-Xing Zhu, Yue Pu, Feixue Shen, Haozhi Ma, Yibiao Zou, and Chenghu Zhou

Data sets

Global maps of top- and subsoil organic carbon turnover times Lei Zhang, Lin Yang, Thomas W. Crowther, Constantin M. Zohner, Sebastian Doetterl, Gerard B. M. Heuvelink, Alexandre M. J.-C. Wadoux, A.-Xing Zhu, Yue Pu, Feixue Shen, Haozhi Ma, Yibiao Zou, and Chenghu Zhou

Model code and software

Code for the analyses of global top- and subsoil organic carbon turnover times Lei Zhang

Lei Zhang, Lin Yang, Thomas W. Crowther, Constantin M. Zohner, Sebastian Doetterl, Gerard B. M. Heuvelink, Alexandre M. J.-C. Wadoux, A.-Xing Zhu, Yue Pu, Feixue Shen, Haozhi Ma, Yibiao Zou, and Chenghu Zhou


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Short summary
Current understanding of depth-dependent variations and controls of soil organic carbon turnover time (τ) at global, biome, and local scales remain incomplete. We used the state-of-the-art soil and root profile databases and satellite observations to generate spatially-explicit new global maps of top- and subsoil τ, with quantified uncertainties for better user applications. The new insights from resulting maps facilitate modelling efforts of carbon cycle and support effective carbon management.