11 Dec 2024
 | 11 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

Tracer-based Rapid Anthropogenic Carbon Estimation (TRACE)

Brendan R. Carter, Jörg Schwinger, Rolf Sonnerup, Andrea J. Fassbender, Jonathan D. Sharp, and Larissa M. Dias

Abstract. The ocean is one of the largest sinks for anthropogenic carbon (Canth) and its removal of CO2 from the atmosphere has been valued at hundreds of billions of US dollars in climate mitigation annually. The ecosystem impacts caused by planet-wide shifts in ocean chemistry resulting from marine Canth accumulation are an active area of research. For these reasons, we need accessible tools to quantify ocean Canth inventories and distributions and to predict how they might evolve in response to future emissions and mitigation activities. Unfortunately, Canth estimation methods are typically only accessible to trained scientists and modelers with access to significant computational resources. Here we make modifications to the transit-time-distribution approach for Canth estimation that render the method more accessible. We also release software called “Tracer-based Rapid Anthropogenic Carbon Estimation version 1” (TRACEv1) that allows users—with one line of code—to obtain Canth and water mass age estimates throughout the global open ocean from user-supplied values of coordinates, salinity, temperature, and the estimate year. We use this code to generate a data product of global gridded open-ocean Canth distributions (TRACEv1_GGCanth, Carter, 2024) that ranges from the preindustrial era through 2500 c.e. under a range of shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs, or atmospheric CO2 concentration pathways). We quantify the skill of these estimates by reconstructing Canth in models with known distributions of Canth and transient tracers and by conducting perturbation tests. In the model-based reconstruction test, TRACEv1 reproduces the global ocean Canth inventory with reasonable skill (within ±12 % in 1980 and 2015). We discuss implications of the projected Canth distributions and highlight ways that the estimation strategy might be improved. One finding is that the ocean will continue to increase its net Canth inventory at least through 2500 due to deep ocean ventilation even with the SSP where intense mitigation successfully decreases atmospheric Canth by ~60 % in 2500 relative to the 2024 concentration.

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Brendan R. Carter, Jörg Schwinger, Rolf Sonnerup, Andrea J. Fassbender, Jonathan D. Sharp, and Larissa M. Dias

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on essd-2024-560', Scott C. Doney, 04 Jan 2025
  • RC2: 'Comment on essd-2024-560', Toste Tanhua, 30 Jan 2025
Brendan R. Carter, Jörg Schwinger, Rolf Sonnerup, Andrea J. Fassbender, Jonathan D. Sharp, and Larissa M. Dias

Data sets

Anthropogenic carbon distributions from preindustrial to 2500 c.e. estimated using Tracer-based Rapid Anthropogenic Carbon Estimation (version 1) Brendan R. Carter

Model code and software

Tracer-based Rapid Anthropogenic Carbon Estimation version 1 Brendan R. Carter

Brendan R. Carter, Jörg Schwinger, Rolf Sonnerup, Andrea J. Fassbender, Jonathan D. Sharp, and Larissa M. Dias


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Short summary
We infer ocean gas exchange and circulation from ocean tracer measurements and use this to create code to estimate the amount of carbon dioxide dissolved in the ocean that is there due to human emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere. The code works across the ocean depths for the past, present, or future from information about the location, temperature, and saltiness of the seawater. We produce a data product with estimates throughout the ocean throughout the last ~300 and next ~500 years.