28 Nov 2024
 | 28 Nov 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

Global database of actual nitrogen loss rates in coastal and marine sediments

Yongkai Chang, Ehui Tan, Dengzhou Gao, Cheng Liu, Zongxiao Zhang, Zhixiong Huang, Jianan Liu, Yu Han, Zifu Xu, Bin Chen, and Shuh-Ji Kao

Abstract. Denitrification and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) convert reactive nitrogen to invert N2, and play vital roles in nitrogen removal in coastal and marine ecosystems, weakening the adverse effects caused by terrestrial excessive nitrogen inputs. Given the importance of denitrification and anammox in nitrogen cycle, lots of studies has measured denitrification and anammox through intact core incubations across different systems, and nitrogen loss processes are affected by a series of environmental factors such as organic carbon, nitrate, dissolved oxygen and temperature. However, a global synthesis of actual nitrogen loss rates is lacking and how environmental factors regulate nitrogen loss remains unclear. Therefore, we have compiled a database of nitrogen loss rates, including denitrification and anammox in coastal and marine systems from published literatures. This database includes 473, 466, and 255 measurements for total nitrogen loss denitrification and anammox, respectively. This work deepens our understanding of the spatial and temporal distribution of denitrification, anammox and the relative contribution of anammox to total nitrogen loss and their corresponding environmental controls. To our knowledge, the constructed database for the first time offers a comprehensive overview of actual nitrogen loss rates in coastal and marine ecosystems on a global scale. This database can be utilized to compare nitrogen loss rates of different regions, identify the key factors regulating these rates, and parameterize biogeochemical models in the future. This database is available in Figshare repository: (Chang et al., 2024).

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Yongkai Chang, Ehui Tan, Dengzhou Gao, Cheng Liu, Zongxiao Zhang, Zhixiong Huang, Jianan Liu, Yu Han, Zifu Xu, Bin Chen, and Shuh-Ji Kao

Status: open (until 27 Mar 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Yongkai Chang, Ehui Tan, Dengzhou Gao, Cheng Liu, Zongxiao Zhang, Zhixiong Huang, Jianan Liu, Yu Han, Zifu Xu, Bin Chen, and Shuh-Ji Kao

Data sets

Global database of actual nitrogen loss rates in coastal and marine sediments Yongkai Chang, Ehui Tan, Dengzhou Gao, Cheng Liu, Zongxiao Zhang, Zhixiong Huang, Jianan Liu, Yu Han, Zifu Xu, Bin Chen, and Shuh-Ji Kao

Yongkai Chang, Ehui Tan, Dengzhou Gao, Cheng Liu, Zongxiao Zhang, Zhixiong Huang, Jianan Liu, Yu Han, Zifu Xu, Bin Chen, and Shuh-Ji Kao


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Short summary
Denitrification and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) are two important nitrogen removal pathways by converting reactive nitrogen into dinitrogen gas. Here we construct a global database on actual nitrogen loss rates, covering over 30 years of observations, measured in coastal and marine sediments. This work provides a global overview of the biogeography and potential controlling factors of denitrification and anammox, and highlights the potential applications of this database.