22 Jan 2025
 | 22 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

Comprehensive inventory of large hydropower systems in the Italian Alpine Region

Andrea Galletti, Soroush Zarghami Dastjerdi, and Bruno Majone

Abstract. Climate change raises the critical need to understand its impact on water resources, particularly as hydropower’s role as a flexible, renewable energy source becomes more vital in planning for the energy system's decarbonization. While hydrological modeling represents an established tool for assessing the future evolution of water resources, a key challenge lies in its reliance on data describing the geometry and operation of hydropower systems interacting with the natural stream network. The Italian Alpine Region (IAR) is home to over 300 large hydropower systems (LHS), and its hydrological cycle is expected to suffer major alterations due to climate change. However, detailed and reliable hydrological studies in this region face hindrances due to the absence of a consistent, comprehensive, and openly available LHS source.

We present IAR-HP (Italian Alpine Region HydroPower), a comprehensive inventory specifically designed for the inclusion in hydrological modeling of LHS located in the Italian Alpine Region, to overcome this obstacle. This dataset aims to support modelers in the water-energy nexus by providing crucial information for accurately informing their models. Compiled from various online sources, IAR-HP is openly accessible and reproducible, offering a solution to the scarcity of data hindering effective storage hydropower-related simulations. The dataset was validated through a hydropower production modeling exercise, and was able to reconstruct 96.2 % of the observed hydropower production across the Italian Alpine Region. By presenting this dataset, we contribute a practical tool for scientists to reduce the inherent uncertainty of hydrological models, improving their ability to represent large hydropower systems accurately. IAR-HP holds potential for numerous applications to inform decision-making in the dynamic context of climate change.

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Andrea Galletti, Soroush Zarghami Dastjerdi, and Bruno Majone

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on essd-2024-521', Anonymous Referee #1, 11 Feb 2025
  • RC2: 'Comment on essd-2024-521', Anonymous Referee #2, 17 Feb 2025
Andrea Galletti, Soroush Zarghami Dastjerdi, and Bruno Majone

Data sets

IAR-HP Andrea Galletti et al.

Andrea Galletti, Soroush Zarghami Dastjerdi, and Bruno Majone


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Short summary
We propose IAR-HP, a detailed inventory of large hydropower systems in Italy's Alpine Region, aimed at improving hydrological modeling for climate impact studies by providing the most relevant information with a consistent level of detail. It includes structural, geographical, and operational data for over 300 hydropower plants and their related reservoirs and water intakes. Validated through modeling, IAR-HP accurately reproduces observed hydropower, capturing 96.2 % of actual production.